You will be able to return items for an exchange or store credit 14 days from when your order is shipped.
You will need to include a note with your return and let us know your name, address, order number. Please contact us for our returns address.
You will need to cover the cost of the postage to be sent back to us unless we feel that we should. Once your return is back with us, we will inspect the item and if it is eligible for store credit. Your store credit will be sent to you via e-mail. Please note that we do not refund your postage cost.
If your item arrives damaged or marked, please let us know and we will be happy to fix this for you (of course at no extra cost).
We're also happy to fix your items if they get damaged over time. Pop us a message or order the 'Free Alterations' listing on our website.
Due to the pre-owned nature of the items we re-vamp, there may be signs of wear (we think this adds character!)
We're really sorry however due to us making each item to order, we can't accept refunds. Please bear this in mind before you buy.